Established in 1961
This non-profit association shall be known as the American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Association.
The objectives of this Association shall be as follows:
1. To encourage and improve the breeding of American Chinchilla Rabbits;
2. To protect and advance this Breed and the interests of its raisers and the public by maintaining
and providing accurate information.
3. To promote the exhibition of American Chinchilla rabbits, fur and meat
ARTICLE III. Affiliation
Section 1. This Association shall be affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association,
Section 2. Any state, province, or local American Chinchilla rabbit Specialty Organization in the United States, Mexico, Canada, or U.S. territory whose objectives are in accord with those of this Association may affiliate with this Association by following the directives set forth in the Bylaws.
ARTICLE IV. Districts
To facilitate attaining the objectives of this Association and aid in transacting its affairs, geographic districts shall be designated to encompass its members as follows:
District 1. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, Canada – Saskatchewan,
British Columbia, Alberta and West.
District 2. California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Hawaii and Mexico.
District 3. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin
District 4. Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
District 5. Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois.
District 6. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, and Puerto Rico
District 7. New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, Canada – Quebec & East
District 8. Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Canada – Manitoba & Ontario
District 9. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington DC and Foreign
Members in areas other than herein shall be represented by an officer or Director appointed by the President.
ARTICLE V. Membership
Section 1. Any person desiring to promote and encourage the breeding and perfecting of American Chinchilla rabbits may become a member of this Association.
Section 2. Application for initial membership or renew shall be submitted in writing, which includes faxes and e-mail, to the Secretary, and must be accompanied by membership dues as provided for in the Bylaws. (Money must follow faxes and e-mail within 5 days.)
Section 3. Accepted membership shall be acknowledged by the card issued to the applicant, bearing the signature of the Secretary and the date upon which that membership expires.
Section 4. Any member completing twenty-five (25) years of continuous membership shall be awarded a Life Membership.
Section 5. Special Life Memberships shall be awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Youth status shall be the same as specified by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA)
Section 7. All Adult members shall have the right to vote by mail for election of officers and put forward proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
ARTICLE VI. Officers
Section 1. All officers and directors of this Association shall be members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. or become members prior to taking office. Failure to obtain or renew such membership shall constitute vacancy of office.
Section 2. All officers and directors of this Association shall actively raise, promote or exhibit American Chinchilla rabbits.
Section 3. Officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and a minimum seven (7) Directors. These officers shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Vacancies of office during the term of an officer or director may be filled by appointment by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors. The appointee shall serve out the remainder of the original term.
Section 5. At no time may any two (2) or more members from the same household occupy a position on the ACRBA Executive Board.
This Association shall hold Annual Meetings and/or Special Meetings at such time and place as may be designated in the Bylaws.
ARTICLE VIII. Amendments
Section 1. Proposed amendments and changes to the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Constitution, Bylaws & Resolution Committee for consideration.
Section 2. Proposed amendments and changes shall then be submitted in writing by the Committee to the membership by publication in the American Chinchilla R.B.A. Newsletter.
Section 3. Not sooner than thirty (30) days later, the entire membership shall be given the opportunity to vote on the proposed amendments and changes by mail ballot which may be included with the officers’ election ballots. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the proposed amendments or changes to the Constitution.
Section 1. The board of directors will, by majority vote, make any changes to club dues.
ARTICLE II. Elections.
Section 1. Officers and Directors shall be Adult members elected for two-year terms from and by the membership by mail ballot.
Section 2. The President and odd numbered District Directors shall be elected on years ending in an even number. Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and even numbered District Directors shall be elected on years ending in an odd number.
Section 3. Those wishing to apply for office need to submit a letter of intent to the Secretary no later than August 15th, and shall remain on file for (3) years. Letters of intent received after August 15th shall not be accepted.
Section 4. Ballots containing the names and offices of all eligible members running for such offices shall be sent by the Secretary by First Class mail to each member not later than the 15th of September. Ballots shall be sent with self- addressed envelopes to return the ballot to the Election Committee. No ballot shall be counted if it is postmarked later than the closing date shown on the ballot.
Section 5. No member of the Election Committee shall be eligible to run for elective office.
Section 6. Ballots shall be opened and counted by the Election Committee. The Election Committee shall notify the President and Secretary of the results no later than five (5) days following the closing date. Plurality of the votes for any office shall constitute election to that office. In an event of a tie vote, the President shall dissolve the tie.
Section 7. The Election Chairman shall prepare a report of the results to be read to the membership at the Annual Meeting and to be printed in the ACRBA Newsletter. The ballots shall be placed in a sealed envelope, and mailed to the Secretary where they shall remain on file for three (3) years.
Section 8. Elected Officers and Directors shall assume office at the beginning of the New Business portion at the ACRBA Annual Meeting if held in conjunction with the A.R.B.A. Convention between October 15th and December 1st. Candidates shall have been notified by the Secretary of the election results at least seven (7) days following the counting of ballots. If no one runs for an elective office, the members attending the annual meeting shall nominate and elect an officer or director to that position.
Section 9. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be allowed thirty (30) days following installation to close out the books before turning them over to the newly elected Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 1. The President shall perform the following:
Preside over all meetings of the Association, and act as the Chairman of the Board of Directors;
Call any Special Meetings of the Association;
Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for;
Appoint the ACRBA Newsletter Editor, Sweepstakes Official, and fill vacancies of the office with the approval of the majority of the board.
Perform any other duties as pertain to the office.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence, or inability to act. If so required by the President, the Vice-President shall also endeavor to assist in any task or detail requiring executive supervision.
Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer as Secretary shall perform the following:
Receive and act upon all membership applications;
Notify all members of meetings and elections;
Act promptly on all correspondence directed to that office;
Keep the minutes of all meetings;
Maintain an accurate file of the membership, and the names/addresses/ARBA numbers of all the Officers and Directors;
Submit a report of the status of the Association to the membership at the Annual Meeting;
Notify candidates of election results;
Perform any other duties as pertain to that office.
Section 4. The Secretary/Treasurer as Treasurer shall perform the following:
Furnish to the President a satisfactory bond covering the maximum assets of the Association; such bond to be paid for the Association;
Collect all dues, fees and donations to which the Association shall be entitled;
Keep an accurate record of income and expenditures;
Pay from the Association’s fund such claims as are properly authorized and approved;
Pay the annual Charter Fee for the Association to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc by January 1st.
Submit to the Board of Directors a quarterly financial report which shall be suitable for publication in the ACRBA Newsletter;
Submit the Treasury books audit at the Annual Meeting or at any other time deemed necessary by the President;
Perform any other duties as pertain to that office.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall perform the following:
Carry out the instructions of the Association;
Authorize expenditures which shall not exceed the assets of the Association;
Make rules not otherwise provided for to conduct meetings and business of the Association;
Represent the geographic districts of the Association’s membership; one Director shall be elected for each district. It is strongly preferred that the Director by a resident of his or her district, but it shall not be mandatory. Each Director shall assist members in his or her district to achieve the objectives of this Association.
Perform any other duties as pertain to that office.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
Section 1. The Fall Annual Meeting of this Association shall be held at the Annual Convention of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. unless deemed otherwise by the Board of Directors. In such case, notice shall be sent to each member stating the time, date and place of the Annual Meeting; notice to be sent by the Secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the Meeting, or published in the ACRBA Newsletter, which ever allows the greater time for notice.
Section 2. The Spring Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at the ACRBA National Show, unless deemed otherwise by the Board of Directors. In such case, notice shall be sent to each member stating the time, date and place of the Annual Meeting; notice to be sent by the Secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the Meeting, or published in the ACRBA Newsletter, whatever allows the greater time for notice.
Section 3. A Special Meeting of the Association may be called by the President when requested in writing by at least twenty (20) members in good standing. At such meeting the only business that shall be considered is that for which the Meeting was requested, and of which notice was included in the call sent to the members by the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Meeting. At a Special Meeting, a quorum shall be fifteen (15) members.
Section 4. At any meeting, except a Special Meeting, a quorum to conduct business shall be seven (7) members. If a quorum shall not be present, the presiding officer may adjourn the meeting to a day and time fixed by him or her.
Section 5. No person may vote as proxy for another member at any meeting.
Section 6. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Association, subject to any special rules adopted.
Section 7. Order of Meetings shall be as follows:
Roll call Reading of Minutes of previous meeting Report of the Board of Directors
Report of the Secretary/Treasurer
Report of all Committees
Reading of communications
Unfinished Business
Installation of New Officers and Directors
New Business
ARTICLE V. Discipline
Section 1. Charges of misconduct of a member must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, and be signed by the person or persons making the charges. Anonymous charges shall not be accepted. Charges shall be accepted only from member (s) or parent (s)/guardian(s) of youth member. All charges submitted shall have a $50.00 check or money order made payable to The American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Association. In the event of the charges being upheld by the Board of Directors the $50.00 will be returned to the person or persons that filed the charges. If the charges are not upheld by the Board of Directors then the $50.00 will go to the person or persons charges were filed against.
Section 2 The accused member shall be notified by the Secretary by email and certified letter, mailed to the postal address and email address in membership record within ten (10) business days from receipt of written charges.
Section 3. The accused member shall reply to the Secretary in writing, to the charges within twenty (20) business days from the date of receipt of certified letter or confirmed opening of email. If the accused has not signed for certified letter or opened email within thirty (30) days of mailing, the Board of Directors is to move forward without accused member's reply to complaint.
Section 4. The written charges accompanied by the accused member’s reply, if received and any other related data, shall be submitted by the Secretary to the Board of Directors: a ) within ten (10) business days of receipt of accused member's reply; or b ) within ten (10) business days of deadline for accused member failure to respond.
Section 5. The Board of Directors by a majority vote, may suspend or expel the member, or dismiss
the charges. Vote to be completed within ten (10) business days of submitting for Board consideration.
Any appeal shall go back to the Board of Directors.
Section 6. An officer or director who shows lack of interest in his or her official; duties, or who fails repeatedly to answer correspondence on club matters shall be asked to resign his or her office by the President with the consensus of the majority of the Board of Directors. In the event of his or her failure to comply, the Board by majority vote shall declare the office vacant.
ARTICLE VI. Commissions and Compensations
Section 1. For services rendered thru out the year in behalf of the Association, the President, or his or her pro tem, shall be compensated $50.00 provided they are in attendance for the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. For services rendered in behalf of the Association when the Annual Meeting shall be held at the A.R.B.A. Annual Convention, the Secretary/Treasurer or his or her pro tem, shall be compensated $50.00
Section 3. Printing and postage of the ACRBA Newsletter shall be paid for by the Association.
ARTICLE VII. Special Funds
Section 1. Monies donated and contributed for special purposes shall be maintained and used for those purposes only, unless otherwise provided for.
ARTICLE VIII. Committees and Appointments
Section 1. An Election Committee consisting of a Chairperson and two (2) members shall be appointed by the President prior to each election for the purpose of receiving and counting returned ballots. The Committee shall be disbanded upon completion of its duties, and submission of its report.
Section 2. An Audit Committee consisting of three (3) members shall be selected by the President for the purpose of auditing the Association’s financial books at the Annual Meeting or any other time deemed necessary by the President. This Audit Committee shall remain intact until its services are no longer needed and it shall be dismissed by the President.
Section 3. The Constitution, Bylaws & Resolutions Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, and two (2) members selected by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors. The task of this Committee shall be to receive, act upon, and present proposed amendments and changes to the Constitution to the vote of the membership. This permanent Committee shall remain intact throughout the tenure of the President who appointed it. Changes to the Committee members shall be at the discretion of the President with the approval of the Board.
Section 4. A Standards Committee consisting of a Chairperson and five (5) members shall be selected by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors for the periodic reviewing of the Breed of Standard for the American Chinchilla rabbit, and proposing to the membership any changes deemed necessary. This Committee shall remain intact throughout the tenure of the President who appointed it.
Section 5. The American Chinchilla R.B.A. Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of Board of Directors. The Editor shall assemble and publish the quarterly Newsletter of the Association.
Section 6. The Sweepstakes Official shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors. The Official shall act as Chairman of the Show Committee. The Official shall receive and act upon all show sanction requests. The Official shall receive all sanctioned show reports, tabulate Sweepstakes points accrued by members, submit a quarterly report of the Standings to the Newsletter Editor, and distribute Sweepstakes Awards to members entitled to them on an annual basis.
Section 7. A Show Committee consisting of the Sweepstake Official and two (2) members shall be selected by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors. The task of this Committee shall be to receive, act upon and present proposed changes to the Show & Sanction Rules at the Fall Annual Meeting for vote by the membership.
Section 8. The Youth Scholarship Committee shall be appointed by the President. The committee shall contain 3 members. Committee shall make sure all applicants meet all of the requirements for this scholarship. They shall score all applications, pick the winner(s) and decide the amount of the scholarship(s), and report their findings to the membership at each year's nationals. No committee member shall score any applications in a year they have a family member applying for a scholarship
ARTICLE IX. Affiliates
Section 1. Any state, province, or local Chinchilla specialty organization may affiliate if their objectives are in good accord with those of the Association by submitting a written application accompanied by a list of the names/ addresses/ARBA numbers of their officers and directors with a $10.00 affiliation fee.
Section 2. An accepted Affiliate shall proceed to receive Charter membership with the A.R.B.A., Inc.
Section 3. An accepted Affiliate shall sponsor at least one (1) Specialty Sweepstakes Sanctioned Show annually
ARTICLE X. Amendments
Section 1. Proposed amendments and changes to the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Constitution, Bylaws & Resolution Committee for consideration.
Section 2. Proposed amendments and changes shall then be submitted in writing by the Committee to the membership by publication in the American Chinchilla R.B.A. Newsletter. Section 3. Not sooner than thirty (30) days later, the entire membership shall be given the opportunity to vote on the proposed amendments and changes by mail ballot; which may be included in the officers’ election ballot. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ballots received are required for the adoption of an amendment or change to the Bylaws
Article XI. Youth Scholarship
Section 1. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicant shall meet all the following a) be a youth member in good standing for a period of no less than 2 years, b) be attending a 2 or 4 year college, vocational or trade school, c) have received a high school diploma, a general equivalency degree/diploma [GED] or have a certificate of completion for the year they are applying.
Section 2. Applicants must fill out a Youth Scholarship application and send it to the Secretary by July 1st of the year he or she completes high school. All applications must have a copy of their high school diploma, a general equivalency degree/diploma [GED] or have a certificate of completion with their application.
Section 3. The scholarship winner(s) must send their first semester transcript from a 2 or 4 year college, vocational or trade school, where they maintained a 3.0 grade average or higher, to the Secretary marked no later than January 30th to receive funds from the Youth Scholarship.
Section 4. The Secretary shall notify the Youth Scholarship Committee Chairman, the amount of funds available. Send all applications to the Youth Scholarship Committee Chairman for committee review, with applicants confirmed dates of membership. Send the winner(s) of the scholarship(s) the amount set by the committee.
Updated November, 2019