Established in 1961
Sweepstakes Results
How are Sweepstakes Points earned and calculated?
First, to earn Sweepstakes Points, you must be a member of the ACRBA. Secondly, the show you are at must be sanctioned with the ACRBA. You can find out whether the show is sanctioned for American Chinchillas in your show's catalog, or by contacting that show's secretary.
The Sweepstakes Year runs from August 1st to July 31st.
Earned points are calculated as such:
First Place:
6 Points x Number In Class
Second Place:
4 Points x Number In Class
Third Place:
3 Points x Number In Class
Fourth Place:
2 Points x Number In Class
Fifth Place:
1 Point x Number In Class
Best of Breed:
1 Point x Number In Breed
Best Opposite of Breed:
1/2 Point x Number In Breed
Best In Show (All Breed Show)
100 Points
Reserve in Show (All Breed Show)
50 points
Double Points for American Chinchilla National Show and National ARBA Convention