Established in 1961
ACRBA National Shows
You can also find a full list of American Rabbit Breeders Association sanctioned shows on their show search page:
2025 American Chinchilla Nationals

When: March 15th, 2025
Where: Fredericksburg Fairgrounds, 2400 Airport Ave. Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
Who: Hosted by the Richmond Rabbit Breeders Association
Stay tuned for the Show Flyer
with more details!
2023 National Show Results
ACRBA 2023 National Show
Josh Humphries Judged the National Show held in Jonesboro, Arkansas on April 1st, 2023.
Bennie & Trevada Wade won BOB with a Junior Doe.
Walt Reichert won BOSB with a Senior Buck.
Walt Reichert won Best Fur.
Owen Kearns Won BOB, BOSB and Best Fur in the Youth Show
Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Association National Show

Left: Bennie & Trevada Wade with their Junior Doe who won BOB.
Right: Walt Reichert with his Senior Buck that won BOS.

Owen Kearns with one of his winning rabbits

Check out that armload of awards! Good Job Owen.

Best Fur for the Open Show
Walt Reichert